Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Where is your office located?
Thrive Counseling & Consulting Services is a virtual practice. All sessions will be done by video or phone from your ideal location. You get to choose!
Whom do you serve?
I serve women ages 21 and up in DC, Maryland, and Virginia.
Are you LGBTQIA-friendly?
Yes, I am. It is an honor to provide a safe space for clients in this community and support where needed.
Do you work with people from diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, and religions?
Yes, I do. Our sessions will be focused on you. Your values and perspective will be prioritized. If there is an aspect of your background I do not understand, I may ask questions to increase my insight into you and my effectiveness.
How do I set an initial appointment?

Give me a call: (410) 216-1702.

What are your hours?

Monday through Friday, 12:30 PM to 6:00 PM

Saturday and Sunday, 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM

How long are sessions?

Sessions are 60 minutes.

Do you take insurance?
Yes, I am in the CareFirst and Cigna insurance networks.
How much do you charge?

Call and book your complimentary clarity call today to find out more information: (443) 808-1577.

What is your cancellation or no-show policy?

Clients in my practice can book and cancel appointments independently.

However, appointments canceled with less than 24 hours’ notice or “no-shows” are charged a $50 fee.

How often do we meet?

You’ll determine and book your appointments as needed, but for new clients, I highly recommend at least biweekly sessions.

Meeting consistently at the beginning of therapy is important for establishing the healthy professional rapport crucial for a successful therapy experience. Weekly appointments are available as well.

Will I have a set day and time?

At Thrive, there is no guaranteed day or time for anyone. You will have access to my calendar and can book available appointments.

If you have a preferred time slot, you can book up to two months in advance to secure it. You can also contact me directly for additional assistance if needed.

Do you offer video and phone sessions?

Yes. Thrive is a completely virtual therapy practice. All sessions are either by video or phone, based on your preference. There is no option to meet in person.

Questions About Me

How many years of experience do you have providing psychotherapy services?
I have over 12 years of experience providing therapy services. This practice was birthed in 2020 at the heart of the global COVID-19 pandemic.
What is your professional training?

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology – Eastern University, 2004
Master of Social Work – Howard University, 2012
Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional (CCATP) – Evergreen Certifications, 2022

DC – LC50080196
MD – 25855
VA – 0904011637

What modalities do you use in your client work?

My clinical approach is very spicy if variety is the spice of life. I use a combination of various strategies that resonate with my personal and professional values. Your needs will determine the method I use at any given time.

Some of my preferred approaches include client-centered therapy, psychodynamic therapy, cognitive and cognitive-behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, and a strengths-based approach. I also provide some psychoeducation from neuroscience psychology.

Do you prescribe medications?
No, I do not. If I detect medications that could be helpful for your treatment, I will recommend you meet with your doctor or a psychiatrist for evaluation and treatment.
What are your strengths as a therapist?

I understand that therapy is both a science and an art.

In school, I learned the clinical concepts and skills necessary for therapy, aka the science. Though I am no longer in school, I am very intentional about continuing my education to bring the most current evidence-based treatments to my clients.

However, I feel my true strength is my understanding of the art behind counseling. My down-to-earth way of connecting with you will enable me to establish a level of safety that is crucial for your therapy to work. I will lean on my intuition to guide my work with you, sometimes leaning into uncomfortable areas, other times knowing to stay away. Having over ten years of experience has strengthened this delicate wisdom.

Have you been to therapy yourself?
Absolutely! Several times. I believe in my field and have leaned on the support therapy can provide for my personal growth journey. Having been a client, I know how it feels to make such a vulnerable and courageous decision. I will utilize this personal experience to guide how I will work with you and stay mindful of the required level of sensitivity.

Therapy Questions

I have things to do. How fast can you fix me?

Let’s be clear: I’m not a mechanic, so I can’t “fix” you.

We just need to know how your system operates and then take that knowledge to develop a self-care plan that addresses your needs. That’s how you’ll operate most effectively in your life.

When you prioritize your needs, you can manage your system yourself. How much time this will take can’t be predetermined. It may be faster or slower than your expectations.

Do I have to tell you everything?
No, you don’t! You only have to tell me what you are ready to share. Like all relationships, I appreciate that you may need time to adjust to coming to therapy, get familiar with me, and feel safe. I put no pressure to share what you are not ready to. Whatever you are ready to discuss is what we will focus on. I may make mental notes to follow up on certain areas in the future when rapport has been established, but we go at your pace, especially at the beginning.
Feelings suck. Do I have to feel them??

As much as I’m a non-conformist, I must admit that acknowledging and experiencing feelings is a significant part of therapy. There is no way to get around it.

However, in our work together, you will learn that feelings aren’t to be feared. They’re simply inner indications of your needs. I will support you in learning how to experience them fully and realize they won’t kill you. No matter how challenging they might be, we will find a way to leverage them to get you to where you want to go.

Will I receive homework assignments to work on between sessions?
Yes. Most of your therapy “aha moments” will happen outside our sessions as you reflect on what happened while we were together. If you think it’s helpful, I can provide you with a reflection assignment to support you in this reflection.
Am I allowed to ask personal questions?
You can ask whatever you want, and I may inquire about your curiosity. However, I may decline to answer depending on how personal it is. I want the focus to stay on you and your journey. While we are establishing a real relationship, it is my job to make sure the relationship stays professional for both ethical reasons and ensure it is always a safe place for you.
After working with you, will I be perfectly healed??

If you’re asking whether you’ll never make a mistake and have a pain-free life after that…

Well, as much as I would want that for you and all of us, I cannot promise that. (If I could, I would be famous.)

But I can offer the opportunity to improve your relationship with yourself, equipping you with the tools you’ll need to navigate life’s challenges in a way that’s healthy and aligned with your goals.

You’ll have fluctuations as you grow, but I will be there with you, providing guidance and encouragement for the journey.

Because, Why Not?

Should I wear waterproof mascara?
Highly recommended, but not required. At the same time, if you want physical proof of your experience after a session, running mascara can provide that for you.
What apps make your life better?

All entertainment/TV apps – I can occasionally indulge in my guilty pleasure reality shows from anywhere.

Fitbit – I like checking my heart rate during workouts to ensure I’m putting that work in.

Google app – where would I be without Google? I do not know. Too scary to think about.

Cats or Dogs?
Dogs – I am a sucker for golden retrievers.

“Questions are creative acts of intelligence.”
– Francis Kingdon Ward