Individual Therapy

1505664554Every day seems to be filled with demands.

Everybody needs you.

Everybody relies on you.

You’re the one that holds everything together. You don’t mind helping… I mean, it’s what you do.

But it’s getting exhausting!

Being the main “go-to person” is debilitating, especially when you feel like you have no one to go to.

But how can you say “no” when people need your help? It’s selfish, and it’s wrong.

At the same time, saying “yes” to everything and everyone is draining you on the inside.

As much as you take pride in not being weak, you’re tired of the strong one/good girl persona. The one who has it together always comes through 100% and knows the right thing to do.

The strong one/good girl image is false – it’s not real. It’s inauthentic, and at this point, it’s costing you too much.

1194723013If people only knew what you’re really going through…

People don’t realize you have been struggling for quite some time.

Secretly, you are always on edge. You feel so much pressure and are worried all the time.

You are sleep deprived because your anxious thoughts run laps in your head, especially at night when life gets quiet. You go to sleep in tears and wake up in the morning greeted by a heavy weight on your chest. Your feet haven’t even touched the floor, and you are already anticipating everything you must do for the day. The day has barely begun, and you already want it to end.

No one knows you are starting to lose your motivation for life. You don’t have any more energy, and you are beginning not to care about anything, including yourself.

It’s getting to be too much. You don’t have anything left to give. You are hanging on by a thread.

Instinctively, you know you have to change and start making your life about your needs, but it still feels wrong.

How do you get out of this suffocating place?

2069288027Life is hard. We all need extra help at times.

Going to individual therapy doesn’t mean something’s wrong with you or you’re inadequate because you need support. It means you are taking responsibility for the needs of your mind and emotions.

For your physical needs, you wouldn’t hesitate to go to the doctor or the gym (well, maybe the gym… lol). You would go to the salon to care for your hair and nails, right?

Well, your mind and emotions deserve specialized support and maintenance, too.

Finally… a space focused on YOU!

Everyone should have a place where they can say whatever they want and know that it is held in care and confidence – especially someone like you. Most of your day is filled with giving to other people. You deserve a sacred safe space that places you in the center. This is what I can offer you through individual therapy.

You’ll get my undivided attention for 60 minutes. During that time, the focus will be on YOU and YOUR agenda. If you don’t know where to start, don’t worry… I’m a chatterbox! I can initiate and guide the conversation until you’re comfortable.

Blackandwhitesilingatcomputer1Here’s what we’ll do…

Identifying areas of concern…

You will receive a comprehensive assessment form in preparation for your first session. I will be sure to review it. Our initial sessions will be your opportunity to fill me in on how difficult your experience has been and why my support is needed.

Addressing your challenges…

As we both gain more clarity around the core of your challenges, we will dive deep into how and why these areas are challenging for you. By doing this, we will start being able to discover the hidden needs buried under the feelings that have been overwhelming you.

Assessing your anxiety…

Because I believe anxiety is the foundation of all mental and emotional challenges, we will identify and highlight how your anxiety shows up in your life and what triggers it. You will need to learn about your unique anxiety response system to achieve your treatment goals and feel better.

Clarifying your goals…

Utilizing the insight you’ve gained about your anxiety response system, I will support you in creating goals that directly address the challenges and concerns that brought you to therapy. These goals will not be the final destination of accomplishments that must be achieved but rather function as a rubric that can help you measure your progress in therapy.

Developing a self-care plan…

The path to making progress toward your goals will be cultivated through your personalized self-care plan that I will support you in creating. This simplistic plan will include proactive, self-soothing behaviors that you will use to minimize and address triggers that will happen in your daily life.

Providing you support…

Now that you have clarity around your challenges, anxiety response system, goals, and are equipped with your self-care plan, you should be good to go, right? Not always. Having the mindset to prioritize and discipline your time to meet your self-care needs consistently is a bit more complicated than it seems. I will be here to provide continued support and accountability as you work to build these new skills and habits into your life.


Sounds enticing? Want to learn more?

Deciding to enter into therapy can be very scary. I’m not going to lie to you. Facing yourself and your truth is not always going to be fun. However, staying the same is not sustainable either – something has to change. You have to change.

And the good news is… change is possible. But…

You don’t have to figure all this out on your own. I am here to support you on your life-changing journey.

Click below for your free consultation. Let’s talk about how I can help.

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming it.”
– Helen Keller